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1.    Which violate(s) the principle of respect?

                     I.        Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong.

                   II.        To retaliate, Teacher B advises students not to enroll in Teacher A’s class.

                 III.        Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by student A who is vying for honors.

A.    II and III

B.    I, II and III

C.   I and II

D.   I and III


2.    Which is/are in accordance with the principle of pedagogical competence?

I.             Communication of objectives of the course to students

II.           Awareness of alternative instruction strategies

III.         Selection of appropriate methods of instruction

A.    I and III

B.    I, II and III

C.   III only

D.   II and III

3.    With a death threat over his head, Teacher D is directed to pass an undeserving student. Which will a utilitarianist do?

A.    Pass the student, why suffer the threat?

B.    Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next.

C.    Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you.

D.    Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in other to pass.

4.    Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply?

A.    The end does not justify the means

B.    The end justifies the means

C.   Always do what is right

D.   Between two evils, do the lesser evil

5.    To earn units for promotion, a teacher pays her fee but does not attend class at all. Does this constitute professional growth?

A.    Not immediately but yes after promotion

B.    It depends on the school she is enrolled in

C.   No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion

D.   Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth

6.    If a teacher asks more higher-order questions, he has to ask more _______ questions.   

A.    fact

B.    close

C.   convergent

D.   concept

7.    Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect”. This implies that as a classroom manager, a teacher


A.    reinforces positive behavior

B.    responds to misbehavior promptly

C.   is consistent in her classroom management practice

D.   count 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student

8.    Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing?

A.    Watching demo

B.    Attending exhibit

C.   Video disc

D.   Viewing images

9.    The students of Teacher Y scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s does teacher Y’s class have?

A.    Teaching machines

B.    CD

C.   Video disc

D.   Videotaped lesson

10.  Which is an INAPPROPRIATE  way to manage off-task behavior?

A.    Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing work

B.    Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate

C.   Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence

D.   Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task

11.  To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be_________.

A.    confident

B.    businesslike

C.   analytical

D.   buddy-buddy

12.  Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data?

A.    Database

B.    Spreadsheet Program

C.   Microsoft Word

D.   Microsoft Powerpoint

13.  Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials?

A.    Is the material new?

B.    Does the material simulate individualism?

C.   Is the material expensive?
D.  Is the material appropriate?

14.  Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What is one sign of “with-it-ness”?

A.    Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work

B.    Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively

C.   Knowing where instructional materials are kept

D.   Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom

15.   Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents connected by hypertext links?

A.    URL

B.    Browser

C.   Welcome page

D.   World Wide Web

16.  Which characteristics must be primary considered as a choice of instructional aids?

A.    Stimulate and maintain students interests

B.    Suited to the lesson objectives

C.   Updated and relevant to Filipino setting

D.   New and skillfully made

17.  You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by ________.                       

A.    telling them the importance of good grades

B.    giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance

C.   making them feel you know what you are taking about

D.   reminding your students your authority over them again and again

18.  I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate?

A.    Realia

B.    Audio recording

C.   Stimulation

D.   Mock up

19.  What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions between activities?

A.    Allow time for the students to socialize in between activities

B.    Have the materials ready at the start of the activity

C.   Assign fewer exercise to fill the allotted time

D.   Wait for students who lag behind

20.  The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management is a task that a teacher should undertake _________.                             .

A.    as soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules

B.    on the very first day of school

C.   every day at the start of the session

D.   every homeroom day

21.  Which assumption underlies the teacher's use of performance objectives?


A. Not every form of learning is observable.

B. Performance objectives assure the learrier of learning.

C. Learning is defined as a change in the learner's observable performance.

D. The success of learner is based on teacher performance.


22.  In the parlance of test construction what does TOS mean?


A. Table of Specifics

B. Table of Specifications

C. Table of Specific Test Items

D. Team of Specifications


23.  A student passes a research report poorly written but ornately presented in a folder to make up for the poor quality of the book report content. Which Filipino trait does this practice prove? Emphasis on __________.


A. art over academics

B. substance overporma

C. art over science

D. pormaover substance


24.  In a criterion-referenced testing, what must you do to ensure that your test is fair?


A. Make all of the questions true or false.

B. Ask each student to contribute one question.

C. Make twenty questions but ask the students to answer only ten of their choice.

D. Use the objectives for the units as guide in your test construction.


25.  Which does Noam Chomsky, assert about language learning for children?

I. Young children learn and apply grammatical rules and vocabulary as they are exposed to them.

II. Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to children as early as possible.

III. Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.


A. I and III

B. II only

C. I only

D. I and II


26.  Which Filipino trait works against the shift in teacher's role from teacher as a fountain of information to teacher as facilitator?


A. Authoritativeness

B. Authoritarianism

C. Hiya

D. Pakikisama


27.  If a teacher plans a constructivist lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan how he can


A. do evaluate his students' work

B. do reciprocal teaching

C. lecture to his students

D. engage his students in convergent thinking


28.  Who among the following needs less verbal counseling but needs more concrete and operational forms of assistance? The child who __________.


A. has mental retardation

B. has attention-deficit disorder

C. has learning disability

D. has conduct disorder


29.  How would you select the most fit in government positions? Applying Confucius teachings, which would be the answer?


A. By course accreditation of an accrediting body

B. By merit system and course accreditation

C. By merit system

D. By government examinations


30.  Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six-year old child?

A. Solitary and onlooker plays

B. Associative and coooperative plays

C. Associative and onlooker plays

D. Cooperative and solitary plays


31.  A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT


A. it links the parts of the lesson

B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed

C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.

D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.


32.  All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT __________.


A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability

B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident

C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking

D. they show abstract thinking and judgement


33.  Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership by means of possessives. He first introduced the rule, then gave examples, followed by class exercises, then back to the rule before he moved into the second rule. Which presenting technique did he use?


A. Combinatorial

B. Comparative

C. Part-whole

D. Sequence


34.  "In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when ... ?" is a sample thought question on


A. inferring

B. generalizing

C. synthesizing

D. justifying


35.  Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the electric charge. Then she gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and told the class to create a circuit that will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one best describes the approach used?


A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills

B. It was contructivist

C. It helped students understand scientific methodolgy

D. It used cooperative learning


36.  Teacher B uses the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will she follow?

I. Independent practice

II. Feedback and correctiveness

III. Guided student practice

IV. Presenting and structuring

V. Reviewing the previous day's work







37.  Which are direct measures of competence?


A. Personality tests

B. Performance tests

C. Paper-and-pencil tests

D. Standardized test


38.  Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were enrolled in private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?


A. Government Assistance Program

B. Study Now-Pay Later

C. Educational Service Contract System

D. National Scholarship Program


39.  Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop logical-mathematical thinking?


A. Problem solving

B. Choral reading

C. Drama

D. Storytelling


40.  An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile classroom technique?


A. Note to parents

B. After-school detention

C. Withdrawal of privileges

D. Raising the pitch of the voice


41.  Your teacher is of the opinion that the world and everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you the skill to cope with change. What is his governing philosophy?


A. Idealism

B. Existentalism

C. Experimentalism

D. Realism


42.  To come closer to the truth we need togo back to the things themselves.This is the advice of the

A. behaviorists

B. phenomenologists

C. idealists

D. pragmatists

43.  Test norms are established in order to have a basis for __________.


A. establishing learning goals

B. interpreting test results

C. computing grades

D. identifying pupils' difficulties


44.  A stitch on time saves nine, so goes the adage.. Applied to classroom management, this means that we __________


A. may not occupy ourselves with disruptions which are worth ignoring because they are minor

B. must be reactive in our approach to discipline

C. have to Jesolve minor disruptions before they are out of control

D. may apply 9 rules out of 10 consistently


45.  Which criterion should guide a teacher in the choice of instructional devices?


A. Attractiveness

B. Cost

C. Novelty

D. Appropriateness 


1.    C

2.    B

3.    C

4.    C

5.    C

6.    D

7.    B

8.    D

9.    A

10.  D

11.  A

12.  B

13.  D

14.  D

15.  B

16.  B

17.  C

18.  D

19.  B

20.  B

21. C

22. B

23. D

24. D

25. D

26. C

27. D

28. B

29. C

30. B

31. B

32. A 

33. C

34. A

35. C 

36. C 

37. D

38. D 

39. A

40. D

41. B 

42. B 

43. B

44. C 

45. D


Retrieved May 16, 2020 from https://www.coursehero.com/file/p37t3nt/Which-violates-the-principle-of-respect-I-Teacher-A-tells-her-students-that/

Retrieved May 16, 2020 from http://letreivewer2.blogspot.com

Retrieved May 16, 2020 from https://www.slideshare.net/carmiiolario/licensure-examination-for-teachers

Retrieved May 16, 2020 from https://www.coursehero.com/file/p575b3ak/Which-assumption-underlies-the-teachers-use-of-performance-objectives-A-Not/

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